
St Mark Kids... Planting the Seeds of Christian Love

The vision of Children’s Ministries is to plant the seeds of Christian love, to offer ways of nurturing children to grow, not only physical but spiritually.  We want children to know God loves them and that they can have fun as they discover His love.  Watching the seeds grow in the children is an amazing journey!
St Mark Kids provides many opportunities for children, nursery – 5th grade, and their families to grow in their faith journey.

Sunday Schedule

-Our Kids’ Worship event takes place during our 10:45 am worship services on every Sunday of the month.  After our Pastor dismisses them from Young Disciple Time, kids may choose to stay and worship with their families, or they may join us for an interactive worship and learning experience.  Children will be brought back to the Sanctuary prior to Communion and will be able to rejoin their families at the end of the service.


-Acolytes serve their church community by carrying His light into our worship services. Open to kids 2nd-5th grade.

Vacation Bible School

Every Summer, we host an exciting Vacation Bible School, reaching 70-90 children with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. For more information, contact Jessica Flores here.

Project Transformation--Rio Texas

We are proud to host a summer day camp that seeks to improve the literacy, emotional well-being, and faith of children in our church and community. Learn more about Project Transformation here.


Note: On June 9, 2018, a new Child, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult safety policy and accompanying procedures went into effect for ALL Rio Texas Churches (including St Mark UMC). Every adult who works with children, youth, and/or vulnerable adults (Staff, Volunteer, Clergy, or Lay) must be certified through the new TRUSTed con Confianza certification process. This includes but not limited to those who volunteer with the food pantry, mission trips, Sunday School, Wednesday youth group, etc.  If you fall into any of these categories please contact Jessica Flores, at  email for more information to get trained.